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Ten actions have shown results -- science and technology pilot universities | Tianjin universities to promote college students innovation and entrepreneurship "makers" young people run out of the dream "acceleration"


Tianjin University students are taking a design course at the Intelligent Manufacturing Center。

The coldest season of the year is often full of life。As the main position of talent training, a group of college students "makers" from major universities in the city are running fast towards innovation and entrepreneurship。

"When I decided to start my own business, I called a classmate and told him I was going to be a boss。He froze for a moment and said: Buddy, you drink too much?Talking about the experience at the beginning of the business, Tong Zedong, the "post-00" CEO from Nankai University, recalled with a smile。Now three years in the past, has been seen as a small partner of the things have been Tongzedong dry wind。

In 2020, the field of disinfection is a hot spot in the industry。Tong Zedong, a sophomore in the School of Chemistry at Nankai University, sensed an opportunity。Under the encouragement of the school and the guidance of the teacher, he pulled several like-minded partners to form the Chlorine House team and chose chlorine dioxide disinfection products as the core project of the business。Relying on the strong scientific research advantages of the School of Chemistry of Nankai University, the team soon mastered the first two-step chlorine dioxide slow-release gas purification technology in China, and was unanimously recognized by the industry。

In May this year, Tianjin Chlorine Home Biotechnology Co., LTD., founded by Tong Zedong, became one of the first college student entrepreneurial projects successfully settled in Tiankai Higher Education Science and Innovation Park。At present, the "circle of friends" of Chlorine House is getting bigger and bigger, and not long ago, a preliminary pilot cooperation intention was reached with Bohai Chemical。"Here, we have borrowed the east wind of enterprise sailing, including funds, venues, channels, etc., so that we are closer to the dream!"Tong Zedong said。

With more and more young people like Tong joining the entrepreneurial wave, entrepreneurship education has become one of the important ways to stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of college students。

"Inspiring students with entrepreneurial potential to venture and create a space and platform for 'restless' teachers and students to explore and 'toss' together is the original intention and mission of the establishment of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Nankai University.。Zhang Yuli, dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Nankai University, introduced that in August 2022, in order to promote the integration of specialized innovation and entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Education and the Tianjin Education Commission approved the establishment of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Nankai University。"We through the creation of innovation and entrepreneurship general courses," students with the same research and talk together "of the" four with "social practice, start-up students training courses, Nankai good project and other activities,We will continue to improve the hierarchical entrepreneurship education system,Let teachers and students' innovation and entrepreneurship practice around the "real problem",Use professional knowledge and skills to solve problems and create value。"Zhang Yuli said。

Entering the Intelligent Manufacturing Center of Tianjin University located in the Beiyangyuan campus of Tianjin University, Chang Xiang, a 2022 undergraduate of the College of Future Technology, is controlling the "intelligent tracking delivery vehicle" that he personally designed and built to record data parameters over and over again in order to better improve the program。

"This is the assignment assigned by the freshman teacher, let us design and produce a simulated intelligent logistics car, along the given track, to achieve the smooth, fast and accurate delivery of goods.。In addition to writing code, we have to design the entire control system。Chang Xiang said that at the beginning of the class, the teacher gave a proposition project, so that everyone can make a "logistics car" from scratch according to the whole process of product development, from demand analysis, conceptual design, structural design, parts manufacturing to system integration, which greatly stimulated the students' interest in innovation and creation。

With the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, the training of engineering talents in the new era is also facing greater challenges。To this end, Tianjin University initiated the "New Engineering Construction Roadmap", focusing on interdisciplinary integration, and vigorously cultivating high-quality cross-sectional talents。"Design and Construction" is a new engineering project-based course for undergraduates from grade 1 to Grade 4. It designs four types of projects that span four grades, including proposition, autonomy, synthesis and engineering. It takes intelligent robot design, manufacturing and control as the main line to improve students' comprehensive ability。

"Students to graduation grade, we will also work with enterprises from the needs of the industry to jointly formulate graduation design topics.。Enterprises out of funds, out of engineers, we out of the mentor, jointly guide students to complete the undergraduate graduation design project, so that students "real problem really do", put forward new ideas and preliminary solutions for the technical problems of enterprises, improve students' engineering ability。Through the four stages of the course, not only cultivate the students' enthusiasm and ability of innovation and entrepreneurship, but also further promote the transformation of new engineering graduation design results。"Tianjin University intelligent manufacturing Center director, deputy dean of the School of Mechanical engineering Professor Sun Tao said。

Source: Jinmen Education
