University charter

序 言

皇冠体育博彩成立于1958年8月。由原天津体育学校、石家庄师范学院体育系合并组建。皇冠体育博彩始终坚持社会主义办学方向,立足天津,辐射华北,服务全国,面向世界。The University has seized the opportunity to innovate and develop, and gradually formed the characteristics and advantages of running a school with physical education as the main discipline and the coordinated development of related disciplines. It has built a complete running system from undergraduate education to master's and doctoral education, and an open running pattern covering general higher education, adult education and international student education。

Chapter I General rules

Article 1 The Constitution is formulated in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China, the Interim Measures for the Formulation of the Charter of Institutions of Higher Learning and other relevant laws and regulations, and in light of the actual situation of the university。

Article 2 Tianjin Institute of Sport is a full-time institution of higher learning, organized by Tianjin Municipal People's Government, and the administrative department is Tianjin Municipal Education Commission。学校为非营利性事业单位,学校举办者保障学校办学条件,支持学校依法自主办学。

The school is referred to as "TianJin Sports Institute" in Chinese and TianJin University of Sport in English。

第三条学校以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Enhance the "Four consciousnesses",Strengthen the "four self-confidence",坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持党的全面领导和社会主义办学方向。

Article 4 The University takes personnel training as the foundation, carries out teaching, training, scientific research, social services, cultural inheritance and innovation and international exchange and cooperation activities, and practically runs moral cultivation through the whole process of personnel training to ensure that the quality of education and teaching meets the standards set by the State。


Article 6 The University ADAPTS to the national and local needs, follows the law of personnel training, constantly adjusts and optimizes the discipline structure, takes physical education as the guide, promotes the coordinated development of multiple disciplines, and forms a comprehensive discipline layout with outstanding advantages, distinctive characteristics and coordinated development。


Article 8 The University will comprehensively deepen the reform, strive to improve the governance system, enhance the governance capacity, constantly improve the quality, level and efficiency of running the school, and strive to build an internationally renowned, first-class, high-level and distinctive modern sports university at an early date。

第九条学校的校训是:学贵立德 动必有道。

Article 10 The main body of the school emblem is round, which reflects the spirit of Tianjin Institute of Physical Education of "unity, forging ahead and seeking common development";The emblem design conveys a deep and profound traditional cultural heritage, and the middle part of the school emblem represents the landmark building of Tianjin Institute of Sport, which breeds, carries and carries forward the specific campus culture。The six characters of the school name "Tianjin Institute of Physical Education" are evenly distributed in the upper part of the school emblem;The lower part of the ring is surrounded by capital letters "TIANJIN UNIVERSITY of Sport", indicating the broad mind and world feelings of Tianjin University of Sport, which integrates Chinese and Western aspects。内环底部嵌入“1958”,标明了学校建校时间,预示着学校丰厚的人文精神和丰富的历史积淀。校徽整体沉稳,庄严,象征着力量、坚韧和超越一切的壮志。


第二章 管理体制和组织机构

第十二条学校实行中国共产党皇冠体育博彩委员会(以下简称学校党委)领导下的院长负责制。The Party Committee of the University is the leadership core of the university, which performs various duties stipulated in the Party Constitution, grasps the development direction of the university, decides major issues of the university, supervises the implementation of major resolutions, supports the president to exercise his functions and powers independently and responsibly according to law, and ensures the completion of various tasks centered on personnel training。Its main responsibilities are:

(一)在党的坚强领导下,全面贯彻执行党的路线方针政策,贯彻执行党的教育方针,坚持社会主义办学方向,Persist in virtue and cultivate people,Run the school according to law,依靠全校师生员工推动学校科学发展,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人。

(2) To discuss and decide on major issues and basic management systems related to the reform, development and stability of the university, as well as teaching, training, scientific research and administrative management。

(3) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of cadres, be responsible for the selection, education, training, assessment and supervision of cadres in accordance with the authority of cadres' management, discuss and decide on the establishment of internal organizations of the university and the selection of responsible persons, and recommend the candidates for leading cadres and reserve cadres at the school level in accordance with the relevant procedures。We will do a good job for veteran cadres。

(4) Adhere to the principle of the Party's management of talents, discuss and decide on the university's talent work plan and major talent policies, innovate the talent work system and mechanism, optimize the environment for the growth of talents, and coordinate the construction of various talents in the university。



(7) Strengthen the leadership of primary-level Party organizations in schools, do a good job of developing party members and their education, management and service, develop primary-level democracy within the Party, and give full play to the role of primary-level Party organizations as fighting fortresses and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members。加强学校党委自身建设。


(九)领导学校工会、共青团、学生会等群众组织和教职工代表大会。We will do a good job in the united front。


The Party committee implements the combination of collective leadership and individual division of responsibility, adheres to democratic centralism, collectively discusses and decides major issues and important matters of the school, and members of the leading team perform their duties according to the division of labor。

The secretary of the Party Committee presides over the overall work of the Party committee, is responsible for organizing important activities of the Party committee, coordinating the work of the members of the leading team of the Party committee, urging and checking the implementation of the resolutions of the Party committee, taking the initiative to coordinate the working relationship between the Party committee and the president, and supporting the president in carrying out his work。

第十三条学校党委由学校党员代表大会选举产生,每届任期五年。The Party Committee of the University presides over the regular work of the Party Committee, mainly makes decisions on the important matters of the reform, development and stability of the university, teaching, training, scientific research, administration and party building, and recommends, nominates and decides on the appointment or removal of cadres in accordance with the authority of cadre management and relevant procedures。党委会由党委书记召集并主持。会议议题由学校领导班子成员提出,党委书记综合考虑后确定。A meeting can only be convened if more than half of the Party committee members are present.When discussing and deciding on important matters such as the appointment and removal of cadres, more than two-thirds of the members of the Party committee should be present before the meeting。表决事项时,以超过应到会委员人数的半数同意为通过。根据会议需要,可召集相关人员列席,列席人员由党委书记审定。

Article 14 The discipline inspection and supervision team of the Tianjin Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China in Tianjin Institute of Physical Education shall perform the supervision responsibility of the school, strengthen the supervision of the school leadership and its members and the school Party committee management personnel, and strengthen the supervision of the school organs and secondary colleges。

Article 15 The president of the University shall be the legal representative of the University. Under the leadership of the University Party Committee, the president shall implement the educational policy of the Party, organize the implementation of relevant resolutions of the University Party Committee, exercise various functions and powers stipulated by the Higher Education Law, be fully responsible for teaching, training, scientific research and administrative management, and exercise the following functions and powers:

(1) To organize the drafting and implementation of the university's development plan, basic management system, important administrative rules and regulations, major teaching and research reform measures, and important school-running resource allocation plans。组织制定和实施具体规章制度、年度工作计划。




(5) Organize and carry out teaching and training activities and scientific research, innovate the talent training mechanism, improve the quality of talent training, promote cultural inheritance and innovation, serve the national and local economic and social development, and make the school unique and strive for first-class。



(8) Organize and carry out international exchanges and cooperation of the University, sign cooperation agreements with governments at all levels, all sectors of society and overseas organizations on behalf of the University in accordance with the law, and accept social donations。

(9) To report to the Party Committee on the implementation of major resolutions, to report work to the faculty and staff congress, and to organize and deal with the administrative proposals of the faculty and staff congress, the student congress, the trade union member congress and the league member congress。支持学校各级党组织、民主党派基层组织、群众组织和学术组织开展工作。


Article 16 The President's Office meeting is the administrative deliberation and decision-making body of the university. It mainly studies and puts forward plans for important matters to be discussed and decided by the Party Committee, specifically arranges relevant measures to implement the resolutions of the Party Committee, and researches and handles teaching, training, scientific research and administrative management。会议由院长召集并主持。会议成员一般为学校行政领导班子成员。会议议题由学校领导班子成员提出,院长综合考虑后确定。会议必须有半数以上成员到会方能召开。院长应在广泛听取与会人员意见基础上,对讨论研究的事项作出决定。党委书记、副书记、派驻纪检监察组组长等可视议题情况参加会议。

第十七条学校依据教育部《皇冠博彩》,设立学术委员会。学术委员会是学校最高学术机构。Its main responsibilities are:

(一)审议学科、专业及教师队伍建设规划,以及Scientific research、对外学术交流合作等重大学术规划。

(二)审议学术Mechanism setup方案,交叉学科、跨学科协同创新机制的建设方案、学科资源的配置方案。

(三)审议教学科研成果、Personnel training质量的评价标准及考核办法。





第十八条学校设立学位评定委员会。Its main responsibilities are:







第十九条学校设立教学指导委员会。Its main responsibilities are:

(1) To examine plans for the development and construction of education at all types and levels of the school, important teaching reform, teaching management reform, and teaching capital construction projects。

(二)审核Personnel training方案和教学计划,评审教学成果,指导教学评价。

(三)研究咨询学校的学科Specialty setting及调整方案。


Article 20 The University Faculty and staff Congress is an important organizational form for all faculty and staff to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the university according to law under the leadership of the University Party Committee。The University respects and supports the participation of the faculty and staff congress in the democratic management and supervision of the university, and urges relevant units to implement the relevant resolutions and proposals of the faculty and staff Congress。学校教职工代表大会的职权是:


(2) To listen to the reports on the university's development plan, the construction of the faculty and staff, education and teaching reform, campus construction, and other major reforms and solutions to major problems, and to put forward opinions and suggestions。


(4) Discuss and adopt the welfare and on-campus distribution implementation plans directly related to the interests of the faculty and staff proposed by the university, as well as the corresponding methods for the appointment, assessment, reward and punishment of the faculty and staff。



(7) Put forward opinions and suggestions on the work of the school through various means, supervise the implementation of the school's statutes, rules and regulations and decisions, and put forward suggestions and suggestions for rectification。




第三章 教学科研机构


The secondary college is the organization and implementation unit of personnel training, scientific research, discipline construction, international exchange and social services, and implements self-management within the scope of authorization of the university。

Article 24 The dean of the second-level college is the administrative person in charge of the unit, responsible for teaching (training), scientific research, administrative management and other daily work of the unit。Its main responsibilities are:

(1) According to the deployment and authorization of the school, formulate the development plan of the unit, carry out discipline construction, teacher team construction, curriculum construction and teaching (training), and organize scientific research and other academic activities。







(二)由二级学院党组织会议研究决定有关党的建设,包括干部任用、党员队伍建设等工作。The party organization of the secondary college first studies and then submits to the joint meeting of the Party and government to decide on major matters involving the direction of running the school, the construction of the faculty, and the vital interests of teachers and staff。支持行政领导班子和负责人在其职责范围内独立负责地开展工作。


(d) In the introduction of teachers, curriculum construction, selection of teaching materials, academic activities and other major issues, strengthen the guidance of the academic organization of secondary colleges, implement the ideological responsibility system, strengthen the "one report for one meeting" and "one report for one event" system, and manage all kinds of ideological and cultural positions。

(5) Strengthen the guidance and promotion of the work of teachers and students' party branches, formulate assessment and evaluation methods for the work of teachers and students' party branches, establish a list of responsibilities, refine responsibility requirements, and strengthen supervision and inspection。The members of the party organization team of the secondary college should contact the teachers and the student party branch in combination with the division of labor, ensure that each teacher and student party branch has frequent contact and timely guidance, and promote the tasks of party construction to fall to the teacher and student branch。


第二十六条二级学院实行党政联席会议制度,集体讨论决定重大事项。The members of the Party and government joint meeting of the second-level college are generally members of the leading team of the unit, mainly including the Party committee of the second-level college (general Party branch, directly under the Party branch), the vice president of the second-level college, the secretary of the discipline inspection committee (discipline inspection committee), etc.;According to the topics, the party and government leaders jointly agreed on other relevant personnel to attend the meeting。

第二十七条二级学院设学术分委员会。The academic sub-committee of the secondary College shall, in accordance with the authorization of the school and its own statutes, review and put forward opinions and suggestions on the major setting, discipline construction, teacher appointment, academic evaluation, teaching guidance and other matters of the department。

In principle, the academic sub-committee of the secondary college is composed of professors, associate professors or other senior professional and technical personnel, and the members are democratically elected by the faculty and staff of the unit, and approved by the joint meeting of the Party and government of the unit。

第二十八条二级学院根据需要设立教研室、研究所(中心)。The teaching and research department and research institute (center) shall carry out the work authorized by the unit, and its establishment and removal shall be discussed and decided by the joint meeting of the Party and government of the unit, and shall be reported to the relevant functional departments of the university for the record。

Article 29 A research institution under the University is an institution directly under the University with scientific research as its main task, which is set up according to the discipline development plan or the needs of major research tasks, and performs corresponding duties in accordance with the regulations of the University。

Chapter IV Teaching staff




The University shall, in accordance with the post requirements, follow the principles of fair competition, equality and voluntariness, and consensus through consultation. The legal representative or authorized agent of the University shall sign the employment contract or labor contract with the employees, and enjoy the benefits in accordance with the national policies and contract provisions。

Article 33 The University shall, in accordance with the principles of fairness, fairness and openness, regularly assess the performance of the appointed faculty and staff, and the assessment results shall be used as the basis for their appointment, promotion, reward and punishment, and dismissal。

Article 34 The University will incorporate teacher ethics into the assessment and evaluation system of teaching and staff, and take it as the primary standard for performance evaluation, appointment (employment) and evaluation and reward。
















(4) To stop acts that are harmful to students or other acts that infringe upon students' legitimate rights and interests, and to criticize and resist phenomena that are harmful to students' healthy growth。



Article 38 The University attaches great importance to the welfare and benefits of its teaching and staff, independently determines the income growth mechanism commensurate with its own development level according to law, and reports it to the higher competent authorities for the record。

Article 39 The University establishes a mechanism to protect the rights and interests of faculty and staff, sets up a faculty and staff appeal committee, accepts the appeals of faculty and staff in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff。

Chapter V Students


In accordance with social needs, state policies, school-running conditions and school-running scale approved by the state, the University independently adjusts the enrollment ratio of undergraduate majors and the enrollment ratio of various types of postgraduate students, formulates enrollment plans and announces them to the public。

Article 41 The school shall commend and reward the students who have outstanding performance, and give criticism, education and disciplinary sanctions to the students who have violated rules, disciplines and laws。

第四十二条学生在学校规定年限内,Complete the credits of the program,达到毕业要求准予毕业,由学校颁发毕业证书;符合学位授予标准的学生,由学校授予相应的学位证书;未达到毕业条件的学生,按照国家学籍管理规定颁发相应的结业证书、肄业证书或学习证明。





(4) To obtain a fair evaluation in terms of ideology, moral character, academic performance, etc., and to obtain the corresponding academic certificate or degree certificate after completing the school's required studies。

(5) To lodge an appeal with the school or the administrative department of education if there is any objection to the sanction or treatment given by the school;To lodge a complaint or bring a lawsuit against the school or its teaching staff for infringement of their lawful rights and interests such as personal rights and property rights。









Article 45 The University establishes a student financial aid system to ensure that students will not be affected by family financial difficulties in their studies and provide necessary assistance to students who encounter other special difficulties in study and life。

第四十六条学校支持学生依照法律和学校规定组建社团。The student association shall, under the leadership of the university Party Committee and the guidance, supervision and management of the University Youth League Committee, carry out activities in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of the university。

Article 47 The University regularly holds student congresses and graduate student congresses to encourage and support students to participate in the democratic management and supervision of the University。院学生代表大会、研究生代表大会的主要职责是:








Article 48 The University establishes a sound mechanism to protect students' rights, sets up a student appeal committee, accepts students' appeals in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of students。

第六章 财务、资产与后勤

Article 49 The sources of funds for a school mainly include financial appropriations, income from undertakings, income from subsidies at higher levels, income handed over by affiliated units, income from business operations and other income。学校积极拓展办学经费来源,多渠道筹措教育经费。

第五十条学校实行“统一领导、集中管理”的财务管理体制。The university implements a budget management system, adheres to the principle of "keeping expenditure within revenue and balancing revenue and expenditure", and establishes a budget management system including daily fund budget, special fund budget and capital construction budget。

Article 51 The University improves the financial supervision mechanism, establishes and improves the financial budget and final accounts, economic responsibility, financial disclosure and audit supervision and other systems to ensure the safe operation of funds。

Article 52 The state-owned assets of a university include assets formed with state financial funds, assets transferred by the State to colleges and universities without compensation, assets formed by using state-owned assets to organize income in accordance with state policies and regulations, and other assets that are legally recognized as state assets,其表现形式为流动资产、固定资产、在建工程、无形资产和对外投资等。学校对本单位占有、使用的国有资产依法实施自主管理和使用。

Article 53 The University improves the management mechanism of state-owned assets, realizes "unified leadership, centralized management, hierarchical responsibility, and responsibility to the person", improves the efficiency of the use of assets, and realizes the preservation and appreciation of assets。

学校维护各类资产安全,防范国有资产经营风险。Without the authorization of the school legal person or the state-owned assets management department entrusted by the legal person, no unit, institution, group or individual shall operate the school assets without authorization。违反规定的,学校依法采取措施,追究责任。


Article 55 The University improves the logistics management and service system, strengthens the construction of a safe campus, and provides guarantees for the study, work and life of students and staff。

第七章 学校与社会

Article 56 The University actively carries out cooperation with relevant government departments, international organizations such as sports, education and scientific research, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations to promote collaborative innovation。

Article 57 The University takes various forms to strengthen the contact with alumni, actively provide support and services to alumni, regularly inform alumni of the development of the university, listen to alumni's opinions and suggestions。



Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions

Article 60 The amendments to the articles of Association shall be proposed by the dean, submitted to the faculty and staff Congress of the University for discussion, reviewed by the Dean's office meeting, discussed and approved by the Party Committee of the University, and submitted to the Tianjin Education Commission for approval。章程的修改过程应体现民主、公开原则。

第六十一条本章程是学校运行的基本规范。The rules and regulations formulated by the School before this Charter takes effect shall be amended or repealed in accordance with the relevant contents of this charter if they are inconsistent with this charter。学校党委监督本章程的执行,受理对违反本章程的行为、活动的举报和投诉。

