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Our school cadres and teachers are discussing the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee


The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held in Beijing from July 15 to 18, 2024。The plenary session focused on promoting Chinese-style modernization and implementing the Party's 20 National strategic plans to further comprehensively deepen reform。Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization,Covering all aspects of promoting Chinese-style modernization,The panorama was constructed,It is known as "the general mobilization and general deployment to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform to the breadth and depth of the new era and the new journey".,"It is a programmatic document guiding the further comprehensive deepening of reform on the new journey"。The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China triggered a warm response in our school。

Party secretary Zhang Lishhun

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made an in-depth analysis of the new situations and problems facing the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, and scientifically planned the overall plan for promoting Chinese-style modernization and further deepening reform in an all-round way。全会彰显了以习近平同志为核心的党中央将改革进行到底的坚强决心和强烈使命担当,是对新时代、新征程举什么旗、走什么路的再宣示。As a university,The study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee should be regarded as an important political task for the school at present and in the future,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于全面深化改革的一系列新思想、新观点、新论断,与持续深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于教育、体育的重要论述紧密结合,与持续深入学习贯彻习近平总书记视察天津重要讲话精神紧密结合,A deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",Learn to think and practice enlightenment,To understand and plan the cause of higher education in promoting Chinese-style modernization and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,According to the positioning of the Party Central Committee, education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for Chinese-style modernization,Close around the fundamental task of Lide tree people,Unswervingly and strictly govern the Party,The development of the university will be closely linked with the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, and the strategy of innovation-driven development,Strengthen the concept of integration and symbiosis between universities and cities,Closely combined with Tianjin's "Ten actions" and the construction of Tiankai Higher Education Science and Innovation Park,Actively participate in the construction of "Volleyball City" and "sports capital" of our city,Give full play to the professional advantages of disciplines,We will better meet the needs of society,With the spirit of reform, pragmatic style, full drive to promote the high quality development of the school cause to achieve new results。

Deputy Party Secretary, president Zhang Xin

A great cause breeds a great spirit, and a great spirit guides a great cause。党的二十届三中全会是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的改革新篇,为进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化提供了强大的思想武装和科学的行动指南。We need to further raise our political standing,A deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",We have a deep understanding and grasp of the themes, major principles, major measures, and fundamental guarantees for further comprehensively deepening reform,把学习领会党的二十届三中全会精神与全面落实习近平总书记对新征程上天津工作提出的“四个善作善成”重要要求一体贯通,In conjunction with the university-wide Discussion on Educational Ideas,Anchor the new positioning, new requirements and new tasks of high-quality development of sports undertakings in the new era and new journey,Give full play to the role of high-end sports talents incubation base and transportation base station in sports colleges and universities,Give full play to the strong driving force and support of new quality productivity for high-quality development,Focus on the major needs of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, strengthening talent, strengthening sports, and healthy China,We will make coordinated efforts to integrate education, science and technology, and human resources,Firmly grasp Tianjin's "ten actions" target orientation,Vigorously carry forward the spirit of women's volleyball in the new era,Deepen the integration of sports and education,Continuously strengthen its position as the center of talent training,Innovation-driven to lead the school's various undertakings high-quality and conformance development,In promoting the great journey of Chinese modernization, it reflects the work of celestial bodies and makes contributions to celestial bodies。

Luo Xiuwei, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is an important meeting held at an important moment when China enters a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country,It has made an overall plan for further comprehensively deepening reform centering on Chinese-style modernization on the new journey,This is the practical continuation of the all-round deepening of reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee,It is also a new chapter in the era of the new journey to promote Chinese-style modernization。As an organizational department of colleges and universities, we must clearly speak politics and resolutely do "two maintenance" to ensure that the decision-making deployment of the Party Central Committee takes root at the grassroots level。It is necessary to further study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party, consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, and further promote the study and education of Party discipline to go deeper and deeper。It is necessary to guide the construction of grass-roots Party organizations with the Party's innovation theory, strengthen the construction of the cadre team and the training of young cadres, educate and guide party members, especially leading cadres, to strengthen their sense of responsibility, take the initiative to act, adhere to the problem-oriented, promote reform and innovation, and provide a strong organizational guarantee and cadre support for the high-quality development of school undertakings。

Liu Chonglei, director of the inspection Office of the Party Committee and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection

Standing at a new historical starting point, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee clarified the fundamental question of "Why comprehensively deepen reform, how comprehensively deepen reform, and for whom comprehensively deepen reform", which is a re-declaration of what banner to hold and what road to take on the new journey in the new era。As a university party committee inspection work department to deeply learn and understand the spirit of the plenary session,Speak politics clearly,From a political height, the Plenary Session consciously set out the new tasks and requirements for comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,Always keep the spirit of self-revolution,We will do a solid job in the political supervision of campus inspections,High-level promotion of inspection, rectification and application of results。It is necessary to incorporate the implementation of reforms such as education power, sports power, and healthy China by the party organizations of the units under inspection into the inspection content,Work on identifying real problems and deep problems,The intensity, scale and intensity of "strict" run through all links and aspects of the inspection work,Make the background color of the celestial body's comprehensive strict party governance system brighter and more complete,Strive to use the inspection to promote the celestial bodies in the comprehensive deepening of reform to show a new atmosphere and new achievements。

Yue Yousong, Director of Research and Graduate Studies

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made an in-depth analysis of the new situations and problems facing the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, scientifically planned the overall plan for further comprehensively deepening reform around the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, and pointed out the direction for writing a new chapter in reform and opening up on the new journey。The Division of Research and Graduate Studies will deeply learn and grasp the spirit of the plenary session,With a strong sense of political consciousness and responsibility of The Times, scientific research and graduate work continue to expand in breadth and depth,Closely surrounding major national strategies,Deeply integrated into the process of regional economic and social development,Continue to optimize the layout of disciplines,Comprehensively improve the quality of postgraduate personnel training,We will continue to improve the scientific research governance system,We will promote the development of education, science and technology, and human resources in an integrated manner,The strategic deployment of further deepening reform in an all-round way will be transformed into a roadmap for high-quality development of the school,It will be transformed into a new driving force for celestial services, education, sports and healthy China。

Chen Hong, General Party Branch Secretary and dean of Sports Economics and Management College

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee is a very important meeting held on the new journey of the new era to further comprehensively deepen reform and promote Chinese-style modernization。The Congress scientifically analyzed the new situations and problems facing the Chinese-style modernization, and scientifically planned the overall plan for further deepening reform in an all-round way, which is of great and far-reaching significance to comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with the Chinese-style modernization。The College of Sports Economics and Management should resolutely implement the spirit of the plenary session,Adhere to the fundamental task of moral education,Strive to cultivate special talents in sports management, sports industry, sports big data management and application,We will seize opportunities in teaching, research and social services, deepen reform, and be bold in innovation,For the school to build a first-class sports university, Tianjin to build "sports capital" and China to build a sports power to contribute their own strength。

Gao Yongqiang, deputy secretary and president of the Party branch directly under the School of Marxism

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee took "Further comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style modernization" as its theme, emphasizing the great historical significance of further comprehensively deepening reform。He pointed out that in the face of complex international and domestic situations, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the new expectations of the people, we must consciously put reform in a more prominent position and further deepen reform in an all-round way by focusing on promoting Chinese-style modernization。We must be guided by the Party's innovation theory, adhere to the standard to the table, adhere to the correct innovation, and promote the conformance development of ideological and political course construction。Adhere to the concept of "changing because of things, advancing because of times, and becoming new because of the trend", strive to create sports characteristic brand ideological and political courses, constantly improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses, and strive to cultivate more new people of the era who are assured by the Party, patriotic dedication, and bear the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation。

Sun Xiaoyu, director of the teaching and research section of Social Sports Theory, College of Social Sports

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee focused on issues related to "further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization.,We have scientifically planned the overall plan for comprehensively deepening reform centering on Chinese-style modernization,It has shown the world more clearly the path of China-style modernization and where it will lead,China has contributed to the world China's plan and Chinese wisdom for the modernization of a major country。The practice of the new specialty of leisure sports in the College of Social Sports should take the initiative to standard the spirit of the general assembly and the requirements of the construction of sports power,Deeply understand the spirit of "education, science and technology, and talents are the basic and strategic support for Chinese-style modernization" put forward by the plenary session,Develop new quality productive forces around services,Further clarify the political direction and mission of independently cultivating high-quality leisure sports professionals in the new era,Strive to cultivate high-quality leisure sports talents,Continue to contribute to the development of the Chinese style of modern sports new road。

College of Physical Education undergraduate student, the second phase of Qingma class outstanding student Geng Zhangwei

The successful convening of the Third Central Committee of the 20th CPC not only strengthened our confidence in further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization, but also stimulated the sense of mission and patriotic feelings of the young generation。As a sports person in the new era, but also a member of the education cause, I am deeply aware that we are the beneficiaries of this great reform, and will soon take over the baton of The Times and grow into a continuous promoter of Chinese-style modernization。Therefore, we should combine the theoretical knowledge we have learned with practice, do not forget the original mission of sports people, dare to fight, dare to rush, dare to do, shoulder the heavy responsibility of The Times, and contribute their youth power to write a new chapter of sports power and promote the great cause of national rejuvenation。

Li Xuena, graduate student of the College of Martial Arts and Traditional Ethnic Sports, winner of the "Star of Self-improvement of Chinese University Students" scholarship

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made decisions and plans on further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization。After studying hard, I was deeply encouraged and felt a great responsibility。今年2月,习近平总书记视察天津,我们正在天津古文化街开展舞龙舞狮民俗文化表演,十分有幸现场聆听了总书记的重要讲话。One of the four important requirements put forward by the General Secretary of Tianjin for "good work and good success" is to be good at promoting cultural inheritance and development。As a student of traditional national sports, I know that I shoulder the historical mission of inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture。In the future, I will further strengthen cultural confidence, continue the Chinese context, promote the innovative development of fine traditional Chinese culture, and contribute to the cause of a healthy China and a strong sports country。
